maandag 10 augustus 2015

Review: You're never weird on the internet ( almost ) by Felicia Day

So I already told you that one of my favourtie actresses from Supernatural is Felicia Day. After Jensen she was the person that I was most excited for to meet on JIBcon. So when I found out that she wrote a book I didn't hesitate and pre-ordered the book! I just had to read it and to be honest I'm not a big memoire reader.

Last friday I recieved the message that the book would be delivered and time went so slow at work! I knew I needeld to finish another book first but I didn't mind. That night I finished it and the next day I promised myself I would start reading Felicia's book. And I can tell you I finished it in two days! Okay it isn't  a book with 500 pages but the weekends are mostly filled with playing with the kids.

I just couldn't put this book down, it read like a novel and it made me laugh so many times. But I also had to shed a tear a couple of times. This book is just so good, it gives you insight into Felicia's life. How she was homeschooled, how she started writing the Guild and how she became an Internet sensation.

The book is filled with funny quotes, photographs and great stories. Most of it is very funny and I can't help but feel a little sad for myself that I didn't have a friend like Felicia growing up. The book also tells a little more about the fact that she struggled with depression and the aftermath of gamergate. I didn't even know what excactly happened at that time and Felica tells it all from her perspective.

After reading the book I just wanted to book a flight to America, go to one of het booksignings and tell her how much of an inspiration she is to me. How after reading this book I realised that if I really wanted to write my own book I just had to start. I have to sit myself down and make it happen, because nobody else is going to do it for me.

I don't think she's going to read this post but if she does: Felica thank you for writing this book and sharing your story! You're a true inspiration.

So what are you waiting for, get your hands on this wonderful book and read it!

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