vrijdag 31 juli 2015

5 Fandom Friday: Five fictional pets I'd like to adopt.

Is it friday already? I feel like it was monday just yesterday. But friday means time for a new 5 Fandom Friday!!!!
This week a top 5 of pets I'd like to adopt. I really have to think about this one:

1. Hedwig from Harry Potter, because well it's Hedwig! I don't think I need to explain myself here right?

2. Stitch, yes I know he's not a dog but I just love him! He's so cute!

3. Mushu from Mulan, let's stay with Disney for a moment. Mushu is just so cute and sassy!

4. Salem from Sabrina the teenage witch, he was one of the best characters from the show!

5. Scooby doo, well I was a scooby doo girl I loved the cartoon and he's just adorable!

So that's my top 5, what's your favourite fictional pet?

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Awww Mushu such a great pick I didn't even think of him, great list I love all these cuties xoxo


  2. Scooby!! My kids would totally think I was the coolest if I adopted Scooby!

  3. Mushu! Mulan is probably one of my top Disney movies, so excellent choice if I may say so ;-)

  4. Dawww! I also have Stitch on my list! He is sooooo cute! <3 Scooby!!!! That would be fun too!

  5. Aw, great list! Mushu and Salem are some of my favorites too<3 Can't believe I didn't think to at least add Salem to mine!

  6. Great picks! Would love a sidekick like Stitch or Mushu :) And of course I wouldn't mind having an owl for a pet either.
